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12 Best Practices to Improve Incident Management

By: Jasmin young
October 23, 2023

Today’s fast-paced digital world can lead to system breakdown and disruptions that strain organizational resources. What truly distinguishes successful organizations is their response when problems occur. Incident management serves this function.

At its core, incident management involves teams managing unexpected disruptions quickly with minimal impact to users or business operations. The process is like a safety net that prevents further problems from developing into trust issues. We’ll explore incident handling practices that elevate responses from mere reactions into strategic responses.

Understand the Basics

Teams must clearly distinguish terminology and roles for effective incident management. An incident refers to any unanticipated interruption or decrease in the quality of an IT service that requires immediate attention from IT.

A problem, on the other hand, goes deeper and may be the root cause of multiple incidents.

User requests define something completely new, and teams can use these requests to better categorize, prioritize and respond to potential incidents.

Clear Incident Categorization

Categorizing incidents might seem like an administrative chore, but it’s an integral step toward efficient resolution. Proper categorization means faster resolution times because routing incidents directly to relevant teams avoids time-intensive misdiagnoses. Just imagine trying to diagnose a network problem when the actual cause is a software bug. Here are a couple of quick tips:

  • Establish and maintain specific categories. It’s crucial that a consistent set of categories be established, followed, and adhered to so there is no confusion or miscommunication among staff and stakeholders.
  • Review and adjust over time. As systems develop, so must their categories. Take time periodically to revisit categorizations to ensure they’re still relevant.

Categorizing incidents accurately is less about labeling issues and more about equipping teams to address problems head-on with precision.

Prioritize Incidents Effectively

Each incident is vital, yet some stand out more than others. Consider factors like impact and urgency when prioritizing incidents. Impact measures how many users or business functions have been directly or indirectly affected by an event or problem. Urgency is about its significance. Prioritization arises by marrying these two concepts together.

An incident that impacts an entire organization is more significant than one affecting a single department. Urgency is about how quickly an incident needs to be resolved. System crashes during peak business hours obviously demand a speedier resolution than a glitch that affects relatively few users.  Teams use impact and urgency as a roadmap to prioritize incidents to tackle first and allocate resources accordingly.

Implement Automation

Automation has quickly emerged as the unsung hero of incident management. By automating repetitive tasks, teams can ensure faster response times while decreasing human error. Two major benefits emerge.

  • Efficiency: Automation speeds up resolution by quickly routing incidents to the appropriate team or even automatically resolving known issues.
  • Consistency: With automation, there’s an automated response for every incident, so every situation gets addressed using best practices.

Consider automated alerts that notify teams in real time about important issues or auto-assignment tools that distribute incidents to technicians based on expertise. Automation not only streamlines processes but also increases a team’s capacity for taking on more daunting challenges head on.

Regularly Train Your Team

IT is always evolving, which means organizations require continuous training to stay relevant. Continuous education keeps teams up to date on new tools, processes and best practices, ensuring team members are always equipped to respond appropriately during incident management. In your training sessions, simulate real-life incidents to put participants through rigorous assessments while honing practical problem-solving skills. An adeptly trained team acts as the first line of defense against chaos.

Maintain Clear Communication

Effective communication is crucial to keeping everyone, from stakeholders to the resolution team, on the same page. Trust is key when communicating with stakeholders. While they might not need to know every technical detail, reassurance and updates are critical.

Tip: Avoid technical jargon whenever possible and schedule regular updates, even just to convey that work is still ongoing.

Clarity speeds up action among resolution teams. Clear communication can be the difference between swift resolution and extended downtime. You may want to implement a central communication platform where teams can collaborate, share updates on progress, document steps as soon as they take place and document outcomes of previous steps by other team members.

Document Everything

After an incident occurs, details are easy to forget. Documentation provides invaluable insights by chronicling what occurred, what the responses were, lessons learned and more. Here’s why documenting everything is essential:

  • Accountability: An accountability record allows a clear snapshot of who took what actions and when.
  • Knowledge base: Resolving future incidents will be easier if you have a record of lessons learned.

Post-incident reviews are another essential tool. By conducting thorough analyses of what happened and why, teams can unearth root causes, refine strategies, bolster defenses and be better prepared for future surprises.

Establish a Known Error Database

Knowledge is power. A known error database (KEDB) serves as an archive of known issues and solutions, as well as an invaluable time saver. Here’s how your KEDB will help:

  • Speedy resolutions: Why waste time trying to solve problems that have already been tackled? A KEDB provides quick fixes that significantly reduce downtime.
  • Consistency: Team leaders benefit greatly when incidents receive consistent and tried-and-tested responses via structured databases.

An effective knowledge engineering database should always remain up-to-date and accessible. Regularly reviewing entries is recommended, since an outdated solution can be as troublesome as no solution at all.

Use Feedback Loops

A completed incident should serve as an opportunity to grow, not an endpoint for development. Post-incident reviews (PIRs) provide invaluable opportunities. Teams can dissect a situation and draw out critical insights that lead to improvement and change. The value in PIRs lies in the following:

  • Learning: By understanding what went wrong and right, teams can adapt and modify their strategies and improve future responses.
  • Prevention: PIRs enable organizations to identify vulnerabilities, so that proactive measures may be implemented to prevent repeat occurrences.

Feedback loops, best exemplified by PIRs, transform incidents into opportunities for growth and learning. Fostering an atmosphere of continuous improvement, PIRs also reduce the repetition of old errors.

Implement SLAs

Service level agreements (SLAs) are more than mere contractual commitments. They’re essential components of reliable incident management. In essence, an SLA outlines response and resolution times for various incident types, creating clear expectations among service providers and users alike. Here’s why an SLA’s implementation should not be underestimated:

  • Accountability: SLAs provide teams with accountability by driving them toward the timely resolution of issues.
  • Trust: When users understand there will be an expected timeframe for resolutions, they will have more confidence in their service provider.

SLAs serve as bridges that link expectations with deliverables, providing organizations with an opportunity to not only raise service quality but also to strengthen user trust.

Clear Escalation Pathways

Incidents come in all forms, and complexity levels can vary greatly. While some can be resolved quickly and effortlessly, others might present even experienced technicians with significant challenges. An escalation pathway outlines when and how an incident should move up through the hierarchy for further attention. Here’s why IT teams should never overlook clear escalation pathways:

  1. Efficiency: Rapid incident reporting to experts helps facilitate faster resolutions.
  2. Expertise utilization: Escalation ensures that complex issues are handled by team members best suited to resolve  the issue.
  3. Maintain effective communication: For effective escalation, make sure all incident details, such as actions taken already, are communicated openly when making escalated requests. This process ensures that efforts are not duplicated and enables experts to quickly launch into action once in position.

Regularly Review Processes

Resting on your laurels is never an option. Systems and technologies evolve, threats evolve, and risks manifest themselves all too often. Regularly evaluating processes is crucial for ensuring they remain robust and relevant – something this author is an expert at doing!

Regular reviews ensure that your processes stay aligned with today’s technological landscape. Drawing upon past incidents and responses can help you identify bottlenecks and improve your strategies.

Change is inevitable in tech, so by regularly reviewing and revising incident management processes, organizations not only keep pace with this evolution but can also anticipate and navigate any future hurdles more successfully.

Engage with Modern Tools

Today’s digital landscape is complex and strewn with numerous obstacles. To successfully manage and address them, modern tools are crucial. Up-to-date versions offer enhanced capabilities, smarter analytics and integrative features tailor-made for contemporary digital environments … which is exactly why they matter.

  1. Proactivity: Today’s tools often feature predictive analytics that enable teams to identify issues before they escalate into larger incidents.
  2. Integration: Modern tools work seamlessly with other systems for incident management to provide a unified approach.

Take, for instance, modern monitoring tools that offer real-time insights into system health. The right monitoring tool can instantly alert teams when anomalies appear, helping IT experts quickly detect potential incidents.


Navigating the treacherous terrain of incident management may seem intimidating at first. However, with best practices at your side, incident management becomes an empowering journey of strategic mastery rather than reactive firefighting. From understanding incidents at their foundation to using modern tools that optimize responses, decrease downtime and strengthen trust, every step moves you toward providing improved services to your users. As with anything digital, adaptability is key.

Your incident management practices need to remain not only relevant but exemplary. Embrace best practices as part of a customized solution and watch as disruptions transform into opportunities for growth and excellence in your organization.

This post was written by Keshav Malik, a highly skilled and enthusiastic security engineer. Keshav has a passion for automation, hacking, and exploring different tools and technologies. With a love for finding innovative solutions to complex problems, Keshav is constantly seeking new opportunities to grow and improve as a professional. He is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve and is always on the lookout for the latest and greatest tools and technologies.

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