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Network Infrastructure Monitoring: Getting Started

By: Jasmin young
October 19, 2023

The rapid evolution of technology profoundly impacts network infrastructure monitoring. New technologies such as containerization, microservices, and serverless computing introduce complexities that require monitoring solutions to adapt. The shift to DevOps practices, where development and operations teams collaborate closely, emphasizes the need for real-time monitoring and feedback loops to ensure continuous integration and delivery of applications and services. The importance of a reliable network connection cannot be overstated, especially in a hyper-connected world. As a result, network infrastructure monitoring should be at the core of every enterprise. Imagine a situation where you’re working on a critical project only to be blindsided by a sudden network outage. It’s frustrating, disruptive and can derail your entire team.

In this post, we’ll explore why and how to get started with network infrastructure monitoring. We’ll also cover the primary benefits, key features, tools and best practices that DevOps professionals can leverage for their enterprise.

What Is Network Infrastructure Monitoring?

Network infrastructure monitoring is a set of tools and practices for collecting, monitoring, and analyzing data from devices and systems in a network. The process involves using specialized tools to collect data, like device uptime and availability, network traffic and bandwidth usage resource usage.

The IT management and development landscape benefits a lot from network infrastructure monitoring. For instance, operations teams use monitoring tools to ensure network capacity always serves the needs of internal and external users. Developers use monitoring to ensure their applications function optimally within the network environment. On the other hand, the security team can identify and respond to threats in the network. Network infrastructure monitoring is essential for business continuity, preventing productivity and customer satisfaction disruptions.

You should note that monitoring requirements can vary significantly, depending on the type of infrastructure in use. On-premises, cloud-based and hybrid infrastructures have unique monitoring challenges and considerations. For example, on-premises monitoring might involve physical hardware and local network configurations, while cloud-based monitoring relies on cloud service providers’ tools and APIs. Hybrid infrastructures require monitoring both on premises and in the cloud.

What Are the Primary Benefits of Implementing Network Infrastructure Monitoring?

Network infrastructure monitoring significantly benefits organizations of all sizes across various industries.

  1. Network monitoring allows organizations to detect and address issues before they impact users or operations. IT teams can respond to real-time problems by setting alerts for predefined thresholds, minimizing downtime and disruptions.
  2. Monitoring provides insights into network performance metrics, such as bandwidth usage, latency, and packet loss. This information helps optimize resource allocation, prevent bottlenecks and ensure efficient network operation.
  3. Monitoring ensures network services and devices remain available and accessible. By promptly detecting and addressing downtime or disruptions, organizations can maintain high availability and meet service level agreements (SLAs).
  4. Network infrastructure monitoring includes security monitoring, enabling organizations to identify and respond to security threats, intrusions and vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyberattacks.
  5. IT teams can track resource utilization on network devices and servers, including CPU, memory, and disk space. This data enables efficient resource allocation and supports capacity planning.
  6. Network traffic analysis helps identify unusual or suspicious activities, including potential security breaches or network misuse. This is crucial for maintaining network integrity and preventing unauthorized access.
  7. Monitoring helps organizations plan for future growth and scalability. Organizations can anticipate when additional network capacity or hardware upgrades may be required by analyzing resource utilization trends, allowing for strategic planning.
  8. By proactively identifying and addressing network inefficiencies, organizations can reduce operational costs associated with downtime, emergency repairs and inefficient resource utilization. This can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.
  9. Reliable and well-performing networks improve the user experience for employees, customers, and partners, which leads to increased productivity, customer satisfaction and business success.

Key Components

Network infrastructure monitoring involves several components and features to help organizations maintain network reliability, performance, and security. Here are some key features commonly found in network infrastructure monitoring solutions:

Performance monitoring: Tracks various performance metrics, such as bandwidth usage, latency, packet loss and throughput. Providing real-time visibility into network performance helps identify bottlenecks or issues affecting the user experience.

Availability monitoring: Ensures network services, servers, and devices are accessible and operational. Availability monitoring detects and alerts administrators to downtime or disruptions.

Security monitoring: Monitors for security threats, unauthorized access attempts, malware, and vulnerabilities within the network. Security monitoring includes intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to safeguard against cyberattacks.

Resource utilization: Monitors the utilization of network resources, including CPU usage, memory, and disk space on network devices and servers. This helps prevent resource exhaustion and supports proper resource allocation and optimization.

Traffic analysis: Analyzing network traffic patterns helps to identify unusual or suspicious activities. Traffic analysis includes deep packet inspection (DPI) and traffic flow analysis to detect security breaches and network misuse.

Event logging: Maintains detailed logs of network events and activities. Event logs serve as a historical record for troubleshooting network issues, auditing network activity and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Alerting and notifications: Configures alerts and notifications to inform network administrators or IT teams when predefined thresholds or conditions are met or exceeded. Alerts ensure that critical issues are addressed promptly.

Capacity planning: Helps organizations plan for future network growth by analyzing resource utilization trends and provides insights into when additional network capacity or hardware upgrades may be needed.

Reporting and dashboards: Generates reports and offers customizable dashboards to visualize network performance data. Reports and dashboards facilitate data-driven decision-making and provide insights into network health.

Best Practices

Effective network infrastructure monitoring requires following best practices to ensure your network remains reliable, secure and high-performing. Here are some best practices for network infrastructure monitoring:

  • Define your monitoring objectives based on your organization’s needs and goals.
  • Ensure your monitoring system covers all critical network components, including servers, routers, switches, firewalls and essential services, because leaving blind spots can lead to undetected issues.
  • Set correct alert points and fine-tune alerts to provide actionable information. Don’t set thresholds that are too low, which can lead to alert fatigue, or too high, which may cause you to miss critical issues.
  • Regularly test your monitoring system to reflect your network’s state accurately. For example, you could have validation tests to confirm that alerts and notifications are functioning as expected.
  • Train your IT and network teams on how to use monitoring tools properly. For instance, team members should understand how to interpret alerts and respond to network issues effectively.
  • Choose a monitoring solution that can scale as your network grows. The monitoring tool should handle increasing data volumes and additional devices without performance degradation or requiring additional staff.
  • Develop an incident response plan that outlines procedures for addressing network incidents, like defining roles and responsibilities, escalation paths and communication protocols.
  • Implement real-time monitoring to detect and promptly respond to network issues as they occur. Real-time monitoring enables real-time alerts, which are essential for quick problem resolution and avoiding downtime.
  • Keep historical network performance data for analysis and trend identification. Historical data is valuable for capacity planning and identifying long-term performance patterns.

Why Implement Network Infrastructure Monitoring?

Network infrastructure monitoring is critical for maintaining a reliable, secure, and efficient network. Continuously observing and assessing your organization’s network helps IT teams ensure optimal performance, availability and security. By implementing network infrastructure monitoring, you can protect your systems and devices from cyberattacks, safeguarding your network’s security, efficiency and reliability. Don’t wait for issues to disrupt your business. Take proactive steps to monitor and maintain your digital backbone today with Netreo.

This post was written by Mercy Kibet. Mercy is a full-stack developer with a knack for learning and writing about new and intriguing tech stacks.

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