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7 Keys to Command Center Excellence

As our digital evolution marches on, keeping monitoring and management tools in sync with business needs is increasingly difficult. Most existing management tools are slow to adapt to the rapid changes that are now routine in most organizations, leaving management and individual teams with a severe lack of visibility into IT resources. When comprehensive visibility into your enterprise IT infrastructure is difficult and labor- intensive to manage, there’s just no way you can stay up to date.

All too often, this lack of visibility leads IT teams to implement their own point solutions. Unfortunately, the more tools you throw at the problem, the more likely you are to get contradictory data that leads to communications issues, increased administrative burden and slow issue resolution. Many enterprise customers have told us about the compound challenges caused when one failure triggers multiple alerts from different products to different teams, who then argue over what the actual problem is.

IT teams are responsible for providing an optimal customer experience wherever the customer is. What’s more, IT customers include every employee, plus everyone accessing customer-facing digital assets, like websites and web apps. When you look at global enterprises, those IT teams traditionally resided in a NOC (network operating center) or the IT command center. And today, even that command center includes remote employees!

So, exactly what steps do you need to take to ensure your IT Command Center performs at the level of excellence under these continually growing pressures? How does IT ensure an optimal user experience and expedite issue resolution while leveraging IT assets to improve business outcomes? The answer is preparation, and we’ve got 7 keys to IT command center excellence to help you get it right.

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